Dive into summer! Looking forward to have a picnic with your friends & families? 🥤Put your ice bubble tea, water or coffee chilled in our KOODEE Square Mug which keeps your drinks cold for up to 24 hours. 🥰Tell us what’s your favorite beverage in picnic days? #stainlesssteeltumbler #stainlesssteelbottle #vacuumflask #strawlid #doublewallbottle #waterbottle #square mug #bpafreebottle #thumbler #coffeemug

Join KOODEE at the Upcoming Canton Fair 2024 – Unveiling Innovations in Drinkware Solutions
We are thrilled to share highlights from a successful conclusion of Phase 1 at the recent Canton Fair and are excited to invite everyone to explore what KOODEE has to offer in the upcoming Phases 2 and 3 of the event. Phase 2: Stainless Steel Bottle Extravaganza Date: April 23rd-27th, 2024 Location: Booth No. 4.2 J45-46 Join us for an exclusive showcase of our cutting-edge stainless steel bottle collection in Phase 2 of the Canton Fair. Whether you are looking